Blog - AMA | Rochester

10 Reasons Why your Boss Should LOVE to Pay for your AMA Membership

Written by AMA | Rochester | Mar 25, 2015 10:29:55 AM

Having a hard time convincing your boss to pay for your AMA Membership?

Here are our top 10 reasons why bosses should LOVE to pay for your professional membership:

  1. Networking, networking, networking. You’ll meet potential new customers for your company through AMA|Rochester – and you’ll be extending your brand’s sphere of influence.
  2. Education and information. With members-only access to vast information on, you’ll have ‘inside information’ that your company’s competitors might miss.  Free member access to an archive of webinars and articles on cutting-edge marketing topics, plus steep discounts on the AMA’s national training programs make you a more valuable employee than ever.
  3. New ideas. There’s nothing like cross-fertilization from other marketing professionals! At AMA | Rochester, you’ll be tapped in with the best.
  4. Outstanding events. Has your boss ever come to a local chapter luncheon? Bring her or him along for an up-close experience with the most vibrant marketing organization in town. Your company can’t afford not to be involved.
  5. Quality publications. A free subscription to AMA’s flagship publication, Marketing News, as well as your choice of and another publication (specialty magazine or journal) give you exposure to leading-edge thinking.
  6. A way to shine in the Rochester community. Volunteering withAMA|Rochester is a great way to do it! Supporting our events and SIGs showcases your talent and your company’s commitment to community service. This is the best place of all to be seen and make friends.
  7. Professional development. We know bosses who won’t hire an employee who isn’t a member of AMA. Because they know how much an AMA membership says about the employee’s professionalism and commitment to the job.
  8. Special Interest Groups. AMA|Rochester’s SIGs combine presentations, workshops, and discussions on topics that can help your company make more money. And they give you the opportunity to rub elbows with your industry peers.
  9. Employee recruiting. At AMA|Rochester, you’ll meet talented marketers looking for their next great job opportunity. And you and your boss will be on the ground floor to recruit them.
  10. Cost savings. A membership saves money (tons) on AMA events. Why should your boss spend $45 on a local event or SIG when he or she can spend only $25, or $1,300 on a national event when he can spend $900? And did we mention networking?

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