Connect with Rochester’s Marketing Movers and Shakers

Looking to reach Rochester’s top marketing, PR, advertising, and social media pros

Need to educate your team on hot marketing topics at a reasonable cost?

Want to recruit talented marketers to your company?

It’s all possible when you sponsor AMA | Rochester.

As the local chapter of a national powerhouse, we’re uniquely positioned as the premier resource for area marketers. Here’s why:

  • Educational Events: Our education and networking events are well-known and attended. As a sponsor, you could be on the podium as a host, speaker, or panelist. We’ll have at least six educational events and three networking events this year. Each one is an opportunity!
  • The Pinnacle Awards: As a sponsor, you get discounts on entries and tickets to the awards ceremony! The Pinnacle Awards continue to grow in submissions and attendance. The focus is on results. Submissions are judged by out-of-town marketers. And the top two prizes — Marketer of the Year for business and non-profits – earn mentions and credibility for years.
AMA event sponsorship may be your smartest, most cost-effective way to connect.

Each sponsorship is customized based on your priorities and budget. Available benefits include:

  • Tickets to events (Includes Pinnacle Awards if a Premier or Media Sponsor)
  • Speaker or panelist opportunities at one of our six educational events (topic dependent).
  • Job openings posted to our LinkedIn Group (1,200+ members and growing)
  • The chance to promote your company or service at live events
  • Company name and Logo inclusion in email broadcast for six educational events to members/database
  • Inclusion in Facebook advertising (if executed)
  • Recognition in PR releases of events
  • Highlighted in the “Featured Sponsor” section of the AMA | Rochester section of website plus 25-word description, logo/link
  • Company logo on all event promotional material and company name or handle on all social posts
  • Distribution of materials at educational events with display table
  • Social media takeover: working with our communications team, sponsor would have opportunity to promote on our social media properties
  • Logo and call out (including your URL) on the AMA Facebook page
  • Chance to post your educational blog on the AMA website, LinkedIn, and Facebook
  • Personal thank you and call out on your Facebook page (number shown is minimum)
  • Your logo added to our Facebook Album (1,434 LIKES)
  • Your URL included in an eblast about the event
Let’s get creative!

Contact us to discuss building your own custom sponsorship package.